When we gather as a college for liturgy, we recognise that the leaders of liturgy, whether they are pastors, students or staff, are there for the people, helping us to celebrate God, to listen to the Scriptures, and move us to do good in our community.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Emmaus College, 2023
Liturgy reflects the community that it comes from, and as an ecumenical school our gathering is different to that of other schools in BCE; we gather to be nourished solely at the table of the Word. Our liturgy has four elements:
We gather - joining as one body
We listen - to the scriptures proclaimed
We respond - scripture moves us to respond in prayer and in action
We go forth - transformed by the Word, we go forth to grow God's Kingdom
Throughout the year our liturgy is focussed on events within the college and informed by the seasons of the Church’s year. We gather as a whole school on numerous occasions throughout the year:
Welcoming Liturgy - to mark the beginning of the new school year
Ash Wednesday - to acknowledge the beginning of Lent and be marked with ashes
Holy Week - we reflect on the events in the last week of Jesus' life before Easter
Emmaus Day - our Easter feast and a celebration of who we are as Emmaus
Christian Unity - as an ecumenical college, this is an important occasion for us
Christian Education - we celebrate Christians helping people through education
Thanksgiving Liturgy - thanks for the year and celebration of Emmaus Awards
Year 12 Graduation - a farewell to our Senior students
There are a number of other liturgies celebrated within the college including ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, End of Primary Years, at our Celebrations of Learning and within our year level groups and in individual classes.