
​Emmaus College is a school where partnerships operate in a Christian Education Community which is faith centered and welcoming ​so that they will be able to develop a healthy spirituality and lead faith filled lives. 

The core business of our community is focused on deepening learning through quality pedagogy for all students.  We believe that learning is the active social construction of meaning and that every person can achieve success. At the centre of our work is the students. All students are actively engaged in rich, rigorous relevant and responsive learning experiences while working towards high expectations and developing their independence as learners.   

As a school within Brisbane Catholic Education, it is our goal to educate all to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners, empowered to shape and enrich our world.  

At Emmaus we believe: 

  • young people at our college are our priority
  • each individual is on a journey to spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual wholeness and maturity and at the center of this is their emotional well-being
  • every learner can achieve success in life and learning where diversity is valued
  • every learner is created in the image and likeness of God
  • it is our role to develop positive relationships
  • that success and failure in students' learning is about what we as teachers or leaders did or did not do 
  • we are change agents
  • in focusing on the student as a learner and a person
  • students are lifelong learners, with a desire to search for the truth and do what is right: accountable for choices and responsible for actions
  • in the formation of right behaviour and respectful relationships
  • in the story of Jesus and we find meaning in the person and his teachings.
​At Emmaus College, the curriculum provides for different ages, interest and abilities of students.  Structures and processes for high expectations to extend progress and achievement of all students' learning that is comprehensive, continuous and cohesive across learning areas based on the Australian Curriculum and working towards the goals of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (Council of Australian Governments Education Council, 2019) is ensured.

© BCE, Emmaus College, 2023