Calm Connected Classrooms

​​​​Positive Behaviour for Learning

Emmaus College is committed to positive, proactive practices in the support of student behaviour which empowers learning. We aim to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively in their journey within our college community.

Our P-12 college community has identified the following expectations to teach and promote the goal of formation of right behaviour and respectful relationships.

As learners we show:

  • responsibility and respect for self
  • responsibility and respect for others
  • responsibility and respect for Emmaus and community.

The Student Behaviour Support for Learning Plan offers guidelines to support this journey, to enhance our positive college ethos and promote effective learning by outlining:

  • clearly stated expectations of what constitutes acceptable behaviour
  • effective behaviour support strategies
  • processes which recognise, teach, reward and celebrate positive behaviour, and
  • processes, rules and sanctions to deal with unacceptable behaviour.

We believe that young people at our college are on a journey to spiritual, social, emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual wholeness and maturity. 

The goal of formation of right behaviour and respectful relationships at our college is that it will occur in a supportive community where students are provided with models of Christ-centred living; where they can learn from their mistakes and build and restore relationships in a climate of safety, acceptance and reconciliation.

The Emmaus College Behaviour Support for Learning Plan aligns with the Brisbane Catholic Education Student Behaviour Support Regulations and Guidelines.